Digital Book Spot Placement

Get placement as featured book on Digital Book Spot for only $10!

  • Guaranteed placement on homepage of our site.
  • Inclusion in our daily newsletter.
  • Exposure to our 60,000 readers.
  • Strong credible SEO links back to your book’s page on Amazon.
  • High click-through to purchase ratio on Amazon – a key metric in Amazon’s algorithm.
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How it Works

1. Submit your book for review. First, fill out our online submission form outlining the details of the price promotion for your book.

2. Once we receive your submission our team will review your book to determine if we will be featuring your story. If your title is chosen (which we hope it is!) you will receive a confirmation notice along with an invoice. If your book is NOT selected we will notify you via email within a few days.

3. After your book has been chosen as a feature for our readership it will be YOUR responsibility to coordinate the price reduction with your retailers. We recommend making price changes at least 24 hours in advanced to the day of your promotion.

4. All we’ll need is your story. Sit back and relax our team will handle any additional creative property.

5. The final step is confirmation from your retailers that the discount price of your book is in effect. Once the price has been verified at ALL locations, we will move forward in sending your book to our readers. You will receive confirmation via email the morning of your promotion.

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Listing Requirements

In order for us to consider your submission for a Digital Book Spot feature, your title must be at minimum:

  • Free or discounted. Our readers expect free or deeply discounted books. They are looking for the best deals!
  • Error free. Content should be well-formatted, and free of typos and grammatical errors.

Please note the even if these requirements are met, there is not guarantee that your submission will be chosen for a feature. Our exceptional editorial team reviews the many submissions that meet our requirements and selects those they feel are the best fit for our readers to be featured in the Digital Book Spot email.

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Tips for Your Submission

  • Price point: Our readers are always looking for the best discount available. Because of this, we rarely feature books priced above $.99.
  • Date flexibility: Each genre category has a limited number of spots, so a broad range of possible promotion dates improves the likelihood that we can include your title.
  • Professional presentation: We look for books with professional and appealing covers.
  • Customer reviews: Feedback, reviews, and ratings help our editors gauge reader response. However, there is no specific “minimum requirement,” reviews are only one factor out of many considered.
  • Critical reviews: Write-ups from trusted editorial sources helps us evaluate your submissions, as well as bestseller lists, awards, and any other accolades.
  • Subject matter: Certain genres and sub-genres perform better with our readers than others. We may or may not currently have a practical spot for your title. Also, your book’s particular subject matter may not fit as well as others in the same category. However, we’re constantly expanding and adding new lists, so stay tuned for updates.
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