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    Spouse Trap

    Blackmail, sabotage, and blood-chilling suspense converge in this psychological thriller meets detective mystery. Madeline Ridley’s perfect world collapses in a swirl of sabotage, blackmail and deceit after awakening in a hotel room, naked and alone, with no memory of how she got there. Witnessing a payoff to a shady PI, she discovers who is systematically trying to destroy her life. From that moment on, Madeline must deconstruct herself in order to salvage what’s left of her life. In the process, she discovers strengths she never knew she possessed. With that newfound knowledge, she steels herself for the battle of a lifetime.

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    The Forgotten Child

    The dead can speak. They need her to listen. Ever since Riley Thomas, reluctant medium extraordinaire, accidentally released a malevolent spirit from a Ouija board when she was thirteen, she’s taken a hard pass on scary movies, haunted houses, and cemeteries. Twelve years later, when her best friend pressures her into spending a paranormal investigation weekend at the infamous Jordanville Ranch—former home of deceased serial killer Orin Jacobs—Riley’s still not ready to accept the fact that she can communicate with ghosts. Shortly after their arrival at the ranch, the spirit of a little boy contacts Riley; a child who went missing—and was never found—in 1973. In order to put the young boy’s spirit to rest, she has to come to grips with her ability. But how can she solve a mystery that happened a decade before she was born? Especially when someone who knows Orin’s secrets wants to keep the truth buried—no matter the cost.

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    Chicago Blue

    She’s not a karate expert. She can’t pick a lock. And she certainly isn’t a master of disguise. But Riley is stubborn, and this is her city. She’s not going down without a fight! If you like female characters who are strong, funny, and real, then you’re going to love Kay Riley, a Chicago cop wrongly accused of a terrorist bombing, and on the run for her life. A wiser woman might flee the country, but Riley is determined to clear her name. Armed with a quick wit and some friends who don’t mind breaking a few laws, Riley becomes an amateur vigilante. Can she stop the killer before they strike again?

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    The Erlking’s Court

    When Eleanor Donnelly gets a call from a wealthy client asking her to look into the tragic death of their daughter, she’s initially hesitant. The Foster Fire Witch case is long cold, very public, and besides, she’s a PI, not a cop. Then she learns that Tomarion Klinger will be her partner. Tomarion’s an ex-detective with a reputation for solving hard cases. Impossible cases. At worst she’ll learn some craft and fail. At best she’ll bust a career-making case. The more they dig into the family history and the list of suspects, the more sinister the revelations become. Conspiracy. Jealousy. Abuse. Greed. Then, just when it seems like they have the killer, a tragic turn so violent and terrible it will change Eleanor forever…

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    Fast Food Made Healthy

    Your Fast Food Makeover Starts Here! In a world that’s always on the move, fast food has become a staple for many of us. It’s convenient, quick, and often irresistible. But what if we told you that you could enjoy your favorite fast food without compromising your health? Enter Fast Food Made Healthy, your ultimate guide to making smarter choices and transforming your fast food experience into a nourishing one. Life can get incredibly busy, leaving little time or energy to cook at home. It’s during these moments that we turn to fast food as a solution. However, before you reach for that tempting menu, let this book be your trusted companion. It’s time to take a closer look at what you’re feeding your face and learn how to make better choices.

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    Letting Go of Overthinking in Relationships and Relationships Anxiety Workbook

    Rediscover Love Without Limits with ‘Letting Go of Overthinking in Relationships and Relationship Anxiety’! Are you entangled in the web of overthinking, letting anxiety cloud your relationships? It’s time to break free! ‘Letting Go of Overthinking in Relationships and Relationship Anxiety’ is not just a book. This groundbreaking book offers more than advice—it provides a new way of living and loving, free from the burdens of overthinking. Reclaim the joy and depth in your relationships, forging connections that are not just strong but also deeply authentic and heartfelt. It’s a blueprint for freeing yourself from the shackles of anxiety and overanalyzing, allowing you to connect deeply and authentically with those you love. Discover the keys to unshackling yourself from the chains of anxiety and overthinking, and embrace a world where your relationships flourish in the light of presence and peace.

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    Balance Exercises For Seniors Without A Personal Trainer

    Discover The 5-Minute Balance Exercises Workouts That Will Help You Improve Your Posture, Muscle Your Flexibility, And Prevent Falling Into Your Old Age. Are you tired of living in fear of falling? Are you desiring more independence and self-assurance? Are you concerned about the financial burden of medical expenses? Are you craving a simple and convenient way to stay active and healthy? If so, then keep reading. Do You Know That 50% Of Seniors That Break a Bone After The Age Of 60 End Up In Hospital Within 12 Months? Now that you’re in your golden years, living in fear of falling and its aftermath can be overwhelming. But here is the good news: By doing simple workouts for 5 minutes a day, you can supercharge your balance. This is why “Balance Exercises for Seniors Without a Personal Trainer” is a game-changer!

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    Suing Cinderella

    All’s fair in love and lawsuits. With equal parts gavel and magic wand, Suing Cinderella explores the laws of love, the meaning of fairy tales, and the hope of imagination. Don’t miss this romantic, redemptive, and magical second novel from Stephanie Mack, author of When We Blinked. Jilted at the altar, heartbroken Scotland “Scottie” Holiday feels utterly conned by her supposed Prince Charming. In reflecting on her ethos of love, however, Scottie determines the real villain is the Kingston Company: the children’s entertainment and amusement park conglomerate responsible for all those glittery fairy tales she watched on a loop growing up. With her best friend and ruthless corporate litigator Peyton by her side, Scottie decides to sue Kingston for false advertising and emotional distress, claiming she has been duped by their magical, misleading stories of happily-never-after.

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    Snowed In on Valentine’s Day

    It was hate at first sight. After a run-in with the rude best man, Peter, at her best friend’s wedding and a subsequent meltdown on New Year’s Eve, Hazel is ready to make major changes. Realizing she’s a serial dater, she vows to take a break from dating and focus on reinventing herself in her career—and putting down roots for once in her life. But when the jerk from the wedding moves in next door, Hazel can’t believe her bad luck. She does her best to avoid Peter, until a massive blizzard forces her to take shelter at his house. The icy tension between them starts to thaw as they get to know each other, but when they’re still snowed in four days later—on Valentine’s Day—tempers flare as passions rise. Confused and unsettled, Hazel has no idea what to do with her conflicting feelings, and avoiding him doesn’t seem to be an option.

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    Drake’s Law

    Very hard, slow-burning, contemplative sci-fi with no violence in it, written in the highest traditions of intellectual science fiction. Test pilot Michael Almers has always believed that the terms of the Drake Equation make alien life an inevitability, and he intends to be the first human to contact an extraterrestrial intelligence. He and his co-captain, rocket engineer Sally Ledford, want to go to the asteroid belt to chase their ambitions in space, but their ship only has 7,000 m/s delta-v. When salvager Ryan Pinkerton approaches them with an offer that will get them to the belt for free, it seems almost too good to be true. The adventure that follows will push back humanity’s horizons in space. Problem solving in space, speculative particle physics, and novel interpretations of special relativity, all in Drake’s Law. By author Andrew Stanek, whose sentience has never been proven.

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    A Rift in the Electric Lute

    The first installment in the futuristic, speculative science fiction series. The high-tech, ultra-modern city of Balmer is what Lise and Sal, both ex-military turned detective, call home. But they’re a dying breed; not for actually driving around the streets in what is a fully autonomous police cruiser, but for simply venturing outside. They inhabit a world where technology dictates daily life; a place where artificial intelligence is at the heart of every security system, virtual reality is so realistic that few people leave their homes, and robots of all kinds pick up what’s left. In search for clues regarding an outlandish case, they end up in the neighboring desert city, which is something else entirely. Though it might harbor what they’re looking for, it might also be the very birthplace of their own undoing.

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    Joe Klingler’s acclaimed debut novel explodes from the remnants of a war long past to headlines of Washington secrets masquerading as corporate incompetence when two modern-day warriors face off. Both skilled at violence. And deception. Both accustomed to winning. Summer greets the land of the midnight sun as a lone rider races across the last American wilderness, delivering on a promise he made long ago. He has many names, but the world only knows a shadow called the Demon. Claire Ferreti, an Army sniper soon to be drawn into a black-ops mission, sips sake in Washington D.C. with her lover, a young, ambitious General whose geosecurity specialty remains classified. When a boy finds a small machine, Claire and the Demon embark on a collision course that leads to a test of skill, a clash of ideologies, and Claire’s unconscious body lying in a typhoon-ravaged jungle. In that instant she becomes the hunted, the Demon’s tool for survival, and an unforeseen threat. As the General pursues them into a labyrinth of cyber-secrets, political necessity and financial reality collide like a fireball piercing steel pipe.

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    Georgette Brown Boxset

    Regency Romances — as hot as they come! Indulge in a world of passion and romance with headstrong heroines and rakish noblemen. This boxset of eight stories will give you hours and hours of steamy hot reading. Tempting A Marquess. Miss Abbott, a proper Regency miss, refuses to take ‘no’ for an answer when the overbearing Marquess of Alastair insists on protecting her from the debauchery at an infamous chateau. Tempting A Marquess for Christmas. When it comes to acting the gentleman, this marquess is damned if he does…and damned if he doesn’t.

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    The Legend Is Born

    This faraway, pre-contact story begins with Helkena, a young, still untattooed girl enduring a typhoon crashing over the only island she has ever known. Her home is Wōtto, one of the dry, windswept atolls of the northern Marshall Islands. The newborn infant Ḷainjin has just been entrusted to her care by his mother, who has sailed her fleet of proas into the open ocean to save them from certain destruction. Helkena, having barely survived the storm, must now travel to Naṃdik, a wet atoll in the southern rain belt of the Rālik Chain. As Ḷainjin’s surrogate mother, she will sail with the infant by outrigger canoe in the company of his maternal grandfathers. These kind men had recently helped the Wōtto Islanders overcome the terrible drought that typically follows a typhoon. With the trade-wind season approaching, it’s soon time to complete their voyage. The grandfathers begin teaching Helkena the traditional navigational arts along the way.

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    Ravensblood Boxed Set

    In a world of impossible choices, where sometimes death magic is the lesser of the evils, can a dark mage find redemption? Corwyn Ravenscroft. Raven. The last heir of an ancient family of dark mages, he holds the secret to recreating the Ravensblood, a legendary magical artifact of immense power. Cassandra Greensdowne is a Guardian. Magical law enforcement for the elected council— and Raven’s former apprentice and lover. She is trying to live down her past. And then her past comes to the door, asking for her help. Ravensblood: Raven discovers that he does have a conscience. It’s rather inconvenient. He becomes a spy for the council that his master William wants to overthrow, with Cassandra as his contact. Cass and Raven have a plan to trap William outside his warded sanctuary. But William is one step ahead of the game, with Raven’s life, his soul, and the Ravensblood all in danger.

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    A Leprechaun for St. Patrick’s

    I have a new duty – to protect another from harm. I’m a witch, and I have to work with a werewolf to bodyguard a teenage girl with leprechaun blood. Actual leprechauns are extinct, but you still have their bloodline showing up in people like this girl. Her leprechaun blood is a secret, and there are many enemies out there who will kill for her powerful blood. They’d use forbidden magic and hunt her down to the ends of the earth if they knew she existed. That’s where I come in. I protect her from prying eyes with my magic. And Rhys – he guards her to make sure no physical harm comes. His clan is an ancient order dedicated to protection. My coven’s an ancient society that does the same.

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    Shackles of Guilt

    Fight for Love. Fight to Survive. Save Levitor City. Young and ambitious Earmon climbed the ladder in Levitor City. As the Queen’s topmost advisor, he has everything he’s ever dreamed of—except for princess Zenithia’s love. In a world of intrigue, blood, and war, his love is put to the test. When he witnesses an intruder inside the city and decides to keep it a secret, he unwittingly unleashes a terrifying chain of events. His friend, Turak, is under attack, and Levitor’s shield fractures. The horde of savages and beasts prowling outside the city advances, and Earmon must battle for survival. But his hardest trial is yet to come: protect the life of the one he loves the most at the risk of losing his own.

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    Intergalactic Space Milk Part IV

    731 and Captain Rager find themselves on a planet of forbidden desires and political intrigue in Intergalactic Space Milk IV. In their rush to escape the compound and hide from the emperial stormtroopers, the line between captor and captive blur in a whirlwid of intrigue and sensual suspense. With Kralog, the Emperor’s ruthless enforcer, hot on their trail, both 731 and Captain Rager won’t be safe until they can make it to the planet’s interior. Unbeknownst to 731, the Allergary human who is the key to Rager’s plan for restoring fertility on the planet, Karlog has decided that the former slave should be the ultimate prize for him. This prime stock will ensure his dynasty within the Emperor’s court. As Kralog plots to claim her for his legacy, he doesn’t know that Rager’s feedings on her enhanced milk have made it so that even a complex web of planetary politics or black market dealings will be unable to break their bull and cow bond.

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    The Ultimate Macedonian Cookbook

    Dive into the rich culinary tapestry of North Macedonia with The Ultimate North Macedonian Cookbook. Featuring 111 authentic recipes, this culinary compendium offers a tantalizing glimpse into the diverse flavors and vibrant culinary traditions of the region. From hearty stews and succulent grilled meats to savory pies and delectable desserts, each recipe is a celebration of North Macedonian cuisine’s rich heritage and cultural diversity. Explore the intricate blend of Mediterranean, Indian, and Turkish influences that have shaped the country’s culinary landscape over centuries. Whether you’re a seasoned chef or an adventurous home cook, The Ultimate North Macedonian Cookbook provides a comprehensive guide to recreating traditional favorites and exploring new culinary horizons. With step-by-step instructions, helpful tips, and vibrant photographs, this cookbook is your passport to an unforgettable gastronomic journey through North Macedonia.

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    Soups, Sandwiches & Wraps

    Do you pretty much eat the same thing every day? This book could change your habits! When you’re armed with these easy-to-make soup recipes, sandwich and wrap recipes, you’ll never be at a loss for a quick solution for a tasty meal. In this practical book, Soups, Sandwiches & Wraps, you will discover exciting recipes that include ideas like: Texas Taco Soup, Creamy Baked Potato Soup, Cheese and Beer Soup, Stacked Tuna & Bacon Sandwich, Triple-Decker Sandwich, Tuscan Chicken Wrap, Spicy Tuna Wrap, And many more… This cookbook book even includes some ideas for dessert wraps to round off your meal and as each of the 128 recipes has a full list of ingredients and preparation guidelines, you’ll be making great soups, sandwiches and wraps in no time. Who doesn’t love a tasty wrap or sandwich with a warm bowl of soup for lunch or dinner? Banish boring soup and sandwiches forever. With Soups, Sandwiches & Wraps, you’ll never be stuck for a tasty, healthy meal option any day of the week

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    4 Ingredient Cookbook

    Looking for easy, simple recipes for great tasting food? With just four ingredients, you can create everything from appetizers, main dishes and side dishes to breads, salads and desserts. This valuable cookbook has 150 recipes that can be made quickly with only 4 ingredients. Introducing the secrets of quick and easy cooking that will delight you with a simple way to make exciting meals with recipes for: Snacks and Appetizers, Bread and Rolls, Beef, Pork, Fish and Chicken, Salads and Dressings, Side Dishes, Cookies and Candies, Sweets and Desserts. Whether you fancy Pork and Potato Bake or Chicken Mozzarella, Cran-apple Sauce or Broccoli and Tomato Casserole, this 4 Ingredient Cookbook has simple recipes that will make any meal come to life.

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    Wall Pilates for Seniors

    See all formats and editions. Unlock the Secret of Ageless Strength! Imagine moving smoothly and strongly as you get older, showing that your body can stay young. Your living room turns into a special place where you feel alive and full of energy. The wall in your home isn’t just for decoration anymore; it helps you stay young and strong. This can really happen with Wall Pilates. Throughout my career, I’ve been dedicated to discovering how to maintain youthfulness and health. I’ve seen countless seniors transform their lives with Wall Pilates. My teaching goes beyond simple workouts; it’s a path to enhancing your life and living without pain.

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    The Nifty 1950’s Nostalgic Word Search Puzzle Book for Seniors and Adults Extra Large Print

    Ever wondered what it was really like in the 1950s? Discover with The Nifty 1950s Nostalgic Word Search Puzzle Book! It’s not just any ordinary puzzle book – it’s an adventure through the Golden Age, packed with fun facts and themed puzzles that make you feel like you’ve lived it! Highlights: 80 themed puzzles capturing the charm and nostalgia of the good ol’ days. Fun facts for a delightful puzzling experience. Extra large print for comfy reading. All levels of difficulty that challenge your brain. Ideal gift for adults and seniors looking for a relaxing activity to keep the mind sharp. So grab a pen and get ready to relive the good ol’ days in style! BIG PRINT BOOKS is a small family owned business making activity books for adults and seniors. Enjoy our thoughtfully designed large print books for a delightful experience. We’re big on fun and easy on the eyes!

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    Find the magic of the universe everywhere, in everyday life.

    Feel the high of connectedness to the universe in a way that speaks to today’s audience through poems that affirm queerness, intersectional feminism, critical thinking, and nonjudgemental awareness.

    Longing for spiritual oneness is something we all crave — but sometimes falter on how to achieve. Whether it’s growing up in a religion that felt oppressive or growing up with no spiritual guidance at all, finding a path that is healing is also often challenging and lonely.

    Find community with this award-winning, bestselling book that seeks to unite queer, feminist readers in the search for spirituality & contentedness.

    Unblinking. Playful. Provocative.

    Maya Workowski is an American poet. She graduated with distinction from Franklin & Marshall College. There, she was also the founder and Editor-in-Chief of FEM&M Magazine. Her work has been featured in Wingless Dreamer Press, New Voices, Polaris, and she has competed in top poetry slams such as Women of the World Poetry Slam.

    Pick up your copy of Quiver today.

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