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    Fallen Legend

    My wife left me. Without an explanation. I had never planned becoming a single dad to our young daughters.
    My heart broke that night and my existence shattered.

    After I forfeited my musical career to play daddy full-time, I’m trying to get my bearings back. One day at a time.

    Until my best friend decides it’s time for me to go back on tour and start living again.

    Enters Madison, a young nanny who loves my daughters as her own.

    With her contagious optimism, she brings a breath of fresh air to our lives.

    And to my heart.

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    Forsaken Treasure

    Some dreams last a moment and others a life time…Matthew Smith was determined his would last long into the future.

    “He’d looked eastward and seen nothing but the staggering beauty of unspoiled mountains. In contrast, when his gaze shifted to the west the view was filled with buildings that jetted skywards and a maze of roads that could take a person wherever they wanted to go…or no where at all.”

    From the moment she knew that the so-called family vacation to the mountains was being planned, Jenna was determined to be part of it. They might not know exactly what they were going to find when they traveled to one of the country’s western states, but despite the mystery surrounding his purchase of the vast acreage of western land deep in the mountains, she knew enough about Matthew Smith’s visionary plans to know they’d find something.

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    Boogie Beach

    Two bars, one magical and one human, lie in the exact same space. That should work. It’d better; I run those joints and we’re under attack.
    I live a pretty weird life—as in gods in speedos, powerful witches with little patience for mere humans, and shifters whose vibrations make my guts quake. Plus, an oceanside bar and a magical book run my existence.

    Beach life and eccentric are besties. The record picked me, Cleopatra O’Keefe, to be the next Keeper. I took over the book and started chronicling the intersection and occasional asininity of the human and magical worlds. That’s when eccentric plunked its butt on the deck next to mine and we careened into the world of funky oddities seasoned with occasional mayhem.

    I’ve juggled the two worlds for almost twenty years, but my pier is under attack from the one entity feared by gods and magicals alike. Between slinging drinks, writing the history, and trying to keep the worlds in balance, I’m discovering that the Keeper’s job has way more depth than the magicals told me. Who’s lying? Which bits are truth?

    I’m at a crossroads and it’s time to make a choice. Toe the line and live, or save the world and die?

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    One man set on justice against a world gone mad. Can he survive?
    A Kindle Book Review Best Indie Book Award FINALIST – THRILLER
    “Last One Chosen is a brilliantly written thriller about one man’s call to do what is right.” ~ The Kindle Book Review
    “I couldn’t put my kindle down when I started this book. The twists and turns kept me captivated. The characters are wonderful – the kind of people you want to be real because the world would be a better place!” — J.Kutchka
    ABOUT LAST ONE CHOSEN: Homeland Security agents raid a small East Texas town and arrest a humble blue-collar worker for domestic terrorism and espionage. When two country lawyers take on his defense and fight to prevent their client’s execution, they learn that he holds the secret to a doomsday device, a secret he will not divulge, even under torture. At the trial’s astonishing conclusion, they realize for the first time that their struggle was not only about justice but also redemption.

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    A century since the departure of the Gods, the Three Nations are now united beneath the Tsar. Magic has been outlawed, its power too dangerous to remain unchecked. All Magickers must surrender themselves to the crown, or face imprisonment and death.

    Alana’s mundane life has just been torn apart by the emergence of her brother’s magic. Now they must leave behind everything they’ve ever known and flee – before the Tsar’s Stalkers pick up their trail. Tasked with hunting down renegade Magickers, the merciless hunters will stop at nothing to bring them before the Tsar’s judgement.

    As the noose closes around Alana and her brother, disgraced hero Devon finds himself at odds with the law when he picks a fight with the wrong man. The former warrior has set aside his weapons, but now, caught between the renegades and the Stalkers, he is forced to pick a side – the empire, or the innocent.

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    The Call

    Buckle up for a complete binge-worth series that will leave you longing for a seat at the Sunday dinner table. Jake and Matty’s journey to love—a wild ride filled with screeching shrews, slobbering dogs, gifted dildos, unfortunate naughty public encounters, and psychic brothers—is the start of a paranormal romance series that readers say is laugh-out-loud funny and impossible to put down.

    Matilda’s not a damsel in distress. Bold, decisive, and disabled, she is a self-employed strategic consultant in the liquor industry. Her reputation for success has landed her the opportunity to build a new beer brand for the ultra-rich Trellis Industries.

    Jake wants to be her foul-mouthed Prince Charming. When Matilda shows up in his office doorway, late for a meeting, dripping wet, partially frozen, and babbling about a mishap, Jake is certain dreadful lady-tears are incoming. He was not anticipating bantering snark while getting beat at his favorite hobby.

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    Dead Midnight

    Never trust a vampire…

    Kelly is having a terrible day.
    The cute guy she likes is dating the meanest girl in school.
    Her crazy science teacher gives a surprise test that she is not prepared for.
    And one of her classmates tells everyone about her YouTube manicure channel that she was trying to keep secret.

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    Deadly Gamble

    In this debut almost-cozy mystery series novel, Charlie Parker, accountant and partner in an Albuquerque private investigation firm, is visited by her old school friend, Stacy North. Stacy’s Rolex watch is missing and she begs Charlie to help locate it before her husband finds out. Things are complicated by the fact that Stacy had been seeing another man, Gary Detweiller, and he’s the one she suspects of having stolen the watch. With a little detective work, Charlie and her sidekick dog, Rusty, retrieve the missing watch and all should be well. But three days later, Detweiller is murdered. All eyes turn to Stacy as the prime suspect.

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    Hoard It All Before

    Like any traveling circus, Zin’s has hair-raising acts and fried food on sticks. But it’s also got an aura-spotting centaur, a chain-smoking unicorn, and an omelet-addicted dragon. Oh, and a body in the center ring.

    Duncan — aka “Brutus Fangwrath, Deadliest Dragon in the West” — wakes one morning to find his best friend isn’t just sleeping off a hangover. He’s been murdered.

    Suspicion for the crime quickly turns to the circus’s new hire, Cordelia Quinn. After all, she’s got motive, she’s got means, and she’s got loads of circumstantial evidence stacked against her.

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    Back to the Futures

    Whoever said learning about futures markets had to be boring?

    Futures markets are a mystery. Fortunes are made and lost in these markets, yet most people know little about how they work.

    In Back to the Futures, agricultural economist Scott Irwin explains why it’s essential to understand futures markets, whether you’re talking about grain, cattle, or the largest market of them all—crude oil. These massive markets lie at the heart of our economy, affecting us all.

    Irwin’s engaging storytelling style brings the madcap world of futures trading to life, drawing you in by sharing his wild, life-threatening adventures with motorcycles, snowmobiles, race cars, farm equipment, and renegade cows while growing up on an Iowa farm.

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    Mastering the Pitfalls of Small Business Ownership

    Are you a struggling entrepreneur? Learn how to identify, avoid, and conquer nasty surprisesthat often derail success…

    Certain areas of business administration and management are often ignored or poorly established. In this book, author Katherine Merrill relieves the pain associated with poor management and replaces it with time and energy to help your company realize greater success in selling your product or service.

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    Loving the Firefighter

    A brave firefighter and the town’s new pediatrician. When he tries to protect her will she fall for him or head for danger to spite him?
    Grady Holman knows the Lanza family murdered his father but the Lanza men are charming, wealthy, and they fund the healthcare for the small town of Emerald Coast. When the Lanzas bring a new pediatrician to town, Grady vows to protect her at all costs. She seems to return his feelings, until he punches Jonathon Lanza without provocation.
    Can Grady gain her trust and be able to protect her, or will she be the Lanzas’ next victim?

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    The Sorceress Transcendent

    Once mortal enemies on the battlefield, what can they become supporting each other instead?
    When Varius, the greatest general of the Aurelian Empire, is forced to flee his homeland, there’s only one person he can turn to.

    A powerful sorceress and once his most deadly enemy, Theira is the only combatant who’s ever escaped the war between their peoples. But with the memories of how they kept each other going from opposite sides of a battlefield, when a bleeding Varius knocks on her door, she lets him in, even knowing what will follow.

    Theira may have gotten away, but as long as the war goes on, she’ll never really be free. Now with both their peoples actively hunting them, the two most dangerous fighters in a never-ending war will have to join forces to do the impossible: end it once and for all, on their terms.

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    Order of the World

    In the city of Abbynton, Mandira lives with her carefree husband, organized daughter, reclusive son, and mischievous dog. She is baffled by frequent encounters with a mysterious man, Jack, trying to warn her of a disaster looming on earth that her son Ryan can only thwart.
    How can a protective mom trust someone only she can see making a preposterous claim about Ryan, who can barely lead a normal life?
    All hell breaks loose; Mandira discovers the unknown existence and witnesses the unthinkable to the point where the lines blur between reality and delusion. What follows leaves the entire World topsy turvy, her loved ones endangered, and the life on the verge of extinction.

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    The Beast Hunter

    A small-town hero. A numberless horde. No turning back.

    Beast hunter and local hero Keltin Moore joins a desperate campaign to save faraway Krendaria, a nation on the verge of revolution. A swarm of beasts threatens to destroy the country’s desperately needed crops, and an unprecedented team of hunters is assembled to cleanse the infested farmlands.

    But the grand adventure quickly becomes a desperate fight for survival as the horde of beasts seems endless and distrust among the hunters eats away at the campaign from within.

    In desperation, Keltin and his new friends embark on a dangerous mission into the heart of the deadly swarm, prepared to make a final stand against the oncoming beasts to try and save all of Krendaria from starvation.

    The Beast Hunter marks the beginning of the award-winning Adventures of Keltin Moore, a series of steampunk-flavored fantasy novels. If you love compelling characters, fantastic creatures, and intense action then you will love these stories!

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    The Zoo of Intelligent Animals

    London, 1977.

    Year of the Silver Jubilee, the Sex Pistols – and a spate of unexplained disappearances from across the academic world.

    Elizabeth Belfort, a young agent with a high-flying career and a low-flying marriage, is urgently dispatched to bring in an elusive government informant.

    But she soon finds herself drawn into the mysterious world of this informant and his family as they embark on a rescue mission. New horizons and new loves start to overturn her well-ordered life. Before long, she is travelling across galaxies to confront an alien race, who’ve taken a special interest in planet Earth and its primary intelligent species. They’ve even made a special home for some of them.

    In a zoo.

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    Bright Expanse

    Are humans alone in the universe? Everyone wants to know the answer—until suddenly the truth is staring them in the face.
    The ExPAnSE Project is a bold new advance in SETI, the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence. With this project, humankind is poised to answer some of its biggest questions. Are we just one of millions of civilizations in the galaxy? Are advanced alien life forms reaching out to us even now? Is Earth ready to join a galactic community of planets? Or instead, are we completely, terrifyingly, alone?

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    Shadows Unveiled

    He hides in the shadows. But will he ever be able to escape his dark past?

    His life is simple. He roams rural America as a pool hustler, keeps his head down, and stays out of trouble. Except he’s hiding something. Something unbelievable.

    He used to be Shadow McKinley, a world-famous heavy metal singer, who everyone thinks is dead. After he faked his own death, Shadow will do anything to keep his real identity a secret.

    Then, one night, Shadow sees a teenage girl standing in the rain wearing a t-shirt emblazoned with the name of his old band. He knows he shouldn’t stop. But it’s storming. She’s alone, probably a runaway, and needs his assistance.

    Now he’s wanted for kidnapping and an innocent girl is depending on him for her survival. With the past he’s hiding from hunting him down, together they are on the most dangerous road trip of their lives.

    And Shadow will go to any length to outrun his past…

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    My Funny Demon Valentine

    Asmodeus, Prince of Hell, just wants to play music. Jazz, specifically.

    Unfortunately, he’s a demon, and he’s supposed to be evil. A career as a musician isn’t exactly an option.
    And he’s cursed, to top it all off.

    Sick of playing by the rules, Ash and his brothers escape Hell in search of freedom on Earth, only to discover it’s harder than they thought to keep their enemies off their tail. The four rogues quickly become the Underworld’s Most Wanted, and if they’re caught…
    The consequences will be dire.

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    A Chance Worth Taking

    Her dream of a stable, secure future crumbles as murder and lies send her down a path she never expected to take.

    Straight-laced accountant Hadley Bruce has paid every price and mapped out her life in meticulous detail. Everything is working according to plan until her boss unexpectedly forces her to take a sabbatical. Then her carefree cousin Sophie browbeats her into a trip to the San Juan Mountains. Oh, then there’s the dead body.

    Private Investigator Noah Dalton is hired to find out who’s trying to frame his client – wealthy businessman and gubernatorial candidate Miguel Herrera. Noah heads under cover to the quaint town of Ouray, Colorado where he meets Hadley, his first suspect.

    What neither of them expected was their instant, powerful attraction.

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    The Doctor’s Twins

    A crazy nightmare led me into the arms of a hot doctor that saved my life.

    My abusive ex-husband was a bigger danger than I’d thought.

    Escaping him was my only option but I’d already lost the baby growing inside me.

    Ben was not only my gynecologist, he was also the man that gave me hope.

    His touch soothed my pain, melting me instantly.

    It made me forget that I’d escaped a dangerous criminal.

    Ben was ex-military and he made me feel safe, but I’d already decided to protect my heart.

    There was no way I was going to fall for my doctor.

    He was way older than me and I had already been shattered by more bad news.

    I’d never be able to carry a child again.

    But Ben was the kind of man that could transform nightmares into miracles.

    Maybe even two little miracles this time.

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    Phantom Frost

    He’s on a quest to find himself…before they do.

    Shivurr remembers little before the Bodhi Institute, the secret government installation where he’s been held and studied like a lab rat for the past decade.

    It hasn’t been all bad, though, for a soda-pop-loving sci-fi fanboy, especially in 1983. He’s got all the TV, movies and arcade games he could ever want. But lately, flashes of his forgotten past have invaded his dreams: visions of an ancient chamber where the mysteries of his origin may finally be resolved.

    Compelled to find it, Shivurr embarks on a quest, fleeing the facility in the dark of night. Escaping is easy; the Bodhi Group guards didn’t dream he’d ever try. The Nevada desert is dangerous for warm bloods; for a snowman, it’s pretty much suicide, even for one with his seemingly magical command of frost and ice.

    Hunted by Bodhi Group agents, keeping to the shade when he can find it, he’s determined to survive; he’s got a feeling the world may depend on it. And, if he doesn’t, well, everyone melts eventually, right?

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    101 Quick & Easy Chicken Recipes

    Do you eat a lot of chicken? Are you looking for fresh and exciting chicken recipes?

    Chicken is about as versatile an ingredient as you can find. It works well hot or cold, can be used in soups, stews or with an almost endless variety of sauces. It is also reasonably priced and readily available, so you can afford to eat it several times a week.

    If you are tired of using the same chicken recipes, 101 Quick & Easy Chicken Recipes, chicken cookbook will blow away some of the cobwebs and give you great new ideas.

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    The Heart of the Wood

    The Heart of the Wood is the magical story of Damian, who embarks on an extraordinary adventure when his elvish heritage is revealed in his encounter with his aunt, Lady Rachel. At Midwood Castle, Damian discovers the Heart of the Wood and its importance. Join Damian on this magical journey as he dives deeper into a world of magic and mystery.

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    The Billionaire’s Faux Fiancée

    This was a stupid plan …

    … but my folks will lose their dream house if I don’t pay them back the money they lent me.

    I might have had a chance if I had gotten the dream job I’d interned for. Then my roommates threatened to move out, and I got fired from my backup job.

    Everything I’ve worked for is screwed, and I’m going to ruin my parents’ dream. So I took the deal, and pretended to be his fake fiancee. Now I’m living a lie — many lies.

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    SPACE HORIZON : The Lunar Dream

    Immerse yourself in the captivating world of “The Lunar Dream,” a standout in the science fiction book series category. This riveting tale propels you into the vast expanse of space, where the thrill of adventure and the allure of the unknown await. “The Lunar Dream” chronicles the ambitious mission of the Infinity team, a group of intrepid explorers and scientists, as they embark on a moon base adventure. Their journey is not without its challenges, from the technical intricacies of constructing a lunar base to the emotional upheaval of leaving their home planet. Yet, their unwavering resolve and camaraderie make for a compelling narrative that will keep you engrossed.

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    Promises to the Damned

    Tsuran, a war hero turned deserter who’s locked within the Iron Mountain Prison, planning his escape.

    Nasna, a conflicted assassin who infiltrates the prison, hunting a target that’s eluded her for decades.

    When fate places these two in the same prison cell, it is only out of sheer necessity that they don’t kill each other outright. But when an accident reveals Nasna’s identity to Tsuran, they strike a deal in order to achieve their individual goals.

    They must learn to trust each other, if only a little, if they are to overcome giant beasts that lurk in the darkness, insane prisoners that control shadows, and even Death itself

    However, they soon find that all of these obstacles are the least of their troubles. Their pasts call to them and they are both forced to make a choice that changes the course of their lives forever.

    As exciting as it is heart-wrenching, Promises to the Damned is a tale about being imprisoned by the traumas of our past and of the friendships that can free us. Filled with moments that will make you cheer and others that will make you cry, it’s a can’t-put-it-down, must-read adventure from beginning to end that will leave you clamoring for more.

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    DBT Workbook for Depression

    Discover powerful DBT strategies to overcome depression and anxiety with this complete Dialectical Behavior Therapy workbook.
    Do you often struggle with depressive episodes and negative thoughts? Are you searching for proven psychological strategies to help you improve your mental wellbeing and fight depression? Or do you want to enrich your life with mindfulness and begin creating a road to happiness? Then this DBT skills workbook is for you!

    Expertly written with a practical mix of real-world advice, inspiring personal stories, and handy worksheets, this DBT workbook for depression shares a deeply authentic path to embracing your mental and emotional wellbeing. With techniques and strategies drawn from Dialectical Behavior Therapy, you’ll discover how you can apply a wealth of exercises to de-clutter your mind, fight negative beliefs, and start rewiring your brain.

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    The Last Hope of Lockdown

    They came for his family. Now, they’re after him.

    Zac is on the run and there’s nowhere to hide. The streets aren’t safe and he can’t evade the Quarantine Agency forever.

    Still, he made a promise he intends to keep. Just how hard can it be to get across town during lockdown? And what will happen if he succeeds?

    One thing’s for sure: Zac wants answers. But, more than that, he wants to live.

    The Last Hope of Lockdown is the first book in the Lockdown series: fast-paced, action-packed thrillers for a rebellious and digital generation that want to fight the system.

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    The Turtle that Grew Overnight

    The Turtle that grew overnight is an amazing story that teaches children persistence, resilience, and humility. The protagonist encounters unplanned situations as he is tossed from one dilemma to the next but carries on and never loses hope. The Turtle that grew overnight is perfect for all ages but most suitable for children 2-5 years of age. Children will be entertained with this fun-loving tale of a baby turtle that has more resolve and resilience than the shell on his back.

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    Picture of Bliss

    Bliss O’Neill breaks up with her boyfriend Michael in the most shocking manner possible. The fact that he’s her boss just makes things a hundred times worse. Alone, unemployed, she needs to start piecing her life back together again, fast. But is her hometown in the forest of Maplegrove the right place to do it? Or should she simply sell up and head to a big city for a fresh start elsewhere?

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    An Actress Murdered

    In a gripping tale of murder and justice, Emmanuel Torres stands accused of the heinous killing of Caroline Isenberg, a vibrant young woman whose life was tragically cut short. As the courtroom becomes the stage for a high-profile trial, the shocking details of Caroline’s last moments come to light, painting a vivid picture of a life full of promise and potential. With the defense seeking to suppress Emmanuel’s confession and allegations of police misconduct surfacing, the pursuit of truth becomes a gripping battle of wits and justice. This captivating story delves into the depths of human darkness while honoring the memory of Caroline Isenberg, a beloved soul whose untimely death demands answers and retribution.

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    The Sumner Family Murders

    Delve into the chilling narrative of deceit, robbery, and murder that forever altered the lives of Carol and Reggie Sumner. When a seemingly ordinary couple becomes entangled in a web of malevolence, their fates hang in the balance as a group of misguided individuals plot a heinous crime.

    As the investigation unfolds, Detective Meacham and his team race against time to uncover the truth. Through the twists and turns of the case, the detectives navigate a labyrinth of evidence, tracing phone calls, unraveling alibis, and piecing together a chilling puzzle that leads to the shocking discovery of a burial site.

    The courtroom becomes the stage for justice as the perpetrators face trial one by one. With each trial, secrets are unearthed, revealing the depths of human depravity and the lingering scars left on the victims’ loved ones. But amid the darkness, a glimmer of hope emerges as one of the culprits musters the courage to do what is right.

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    Deadly Deceptions

    In this gripping true crime saga, delve into the shocking and sinister world of Audrey Marie Hilley. From her early acts of deception to her desperate attempts to escape justice, this book unravels the chilling story of a woman driven by greed and a thirst for power.

    Marie’s trail of poison and deceit leaves a trail of victims, including her own family. As suspicions rise and the truth begins to emerge, a web of lies spins out of control, leaving no one untouched.

    Witness Marie’s transformation into “Teri,” a cunning alter ego, as she weaves a complex web of identities and manipulates those around her. With a relentless pursuit by law enforcement, Marie’s desperate attempts to evade capture bring her face-to-face with her own darkest secrets.

    Follow the riveting courtroom drama as Marie’s daughter, Carol, bravely testifies against her own mother, unveiling a shocking trail of evidence. Will justice be served, or will Marie’s cunning ways once again find a way to manipulate the system?

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    Twisted Twins

    In the quiet town of Conyers, the lives of Nikki Whitehead and her twin daughters, Jasmiyah and Tasmiyah, took a dark turn that would forever haunt the community. As the secrets of their troubled past began to unravel, a horrifying crime shattered the tranquil facade, sending shockwaves through the town.

    Twisted Twins a gripping true story that delves into the depths of a fractured family and the chilling events that unfolded within its walls. From the explosive arguments to the desperate cries for help, the Whitehead twins and their mother navigate a web of dysfunction, courtrooms, and strained relationships.

    Caught in a vicious cycle of rebellion and tragedy, the twins’ rebellious spirits spiral out of control, leading to a shocking act of violence that leaves their mother brutally murdered. As investigators dig deeper into the twisted family history, lies unravel, revealing a pattern of deceit, manipulation, and misplaced loyalty.

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    Kill & Giggle

    Delve into the shocking true story of one of America’s most notorious female serial killers. Nannie Doss, affectionately known as the Giggling Granny, shattered the conventional image of a serial killer, leaving a trail of death and devastation that spanned decades.

    From the 1920s to 1954, Nannie embarked on a spree of murder that defied the typical definition of a serial killer. Motivated by revenge rather than sexual desire, she sought retribution against her womanizing, alcoholic husbands and those who imposed strict control over her. But her thirst for blood didn’t stop there. Nannie’s victims included her own children and grandchildren, leaving a chilling question: What could drive a mother to kill her own flesh and blood?

    Uncover the twisted pathology behind Nannie’s crimes as experts examine the impact of a childhood head injury on her murderous behavior. Explore the complex reasons that drove her to commit heinous acts of violence, from the burden of caregiving to a thirst for revenge.

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    I’ve always been a powerful man, an NFL pro turned wealthy CEO. But not even I could hold off the bloodthisty ‘mugger’ with VERY sharp teeth who turned me into a werewolf. Is my whole life over before it’s ever really begun?

    I’ve run from Dallas to a serene forest on the Canadian border to learn the way of the wolf and master my shapeshifting. And NOT eat my neighbors.

    Except it’s anything BUT peaceful here. The greedy idiots working for me once tried to destroy the region by running an oil pipeline through. How can I ever undo years of hostility and make this my new home? Find friends? Maybe even love?

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    Interesting Facts For Intelligent Kids

    Dive into a world where facts come alive and curiosity knows no bounds! “Interesting Facts for Intelligent Kids” will take young readers on an adventure they won’t want to end.
    Get ready for a thrilling adventure through fascinating facts and mind-blowing discoveries. From the mesmerizing animal kingdom to the mysteries of space and science wonders, this book will leave readers spellbound and hungry for more.

    Do you Know Jupiter has 95 moons? Yes, you heard it right!
    Did you know that originally table tennis was called whiff-whaff?
    Did you know how famous painting the Starry Night by Vincent van Gogh was created?
    These are just some facts which you are about to discover and there are many more like this which will awe-struck you like never before

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    Ancient Secrets for the Next Millionaire

    Welcome to a journey into the depths of ancient wisdom. This book is a chronicle, a mirror held up to the past, reflecting principles that have steered the destinies of kings, magnates, and societies. It is also a window, giving us a view of how these age-old laws can be transposed onto the complex, rapidly changing landscape of our modern world.

    As we traverse the corridors of time, we’ll unlock the secrets of the ancients and embark on a journey of wisdom and enlightenment. Each chapter is a capsule, containing nuggets of wisdom that transcend time and place, distilled into principles that you can use in your life, in your profession, in your relationships, and in your quest for success, wealth, and power.

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    Secrets From My Travel Diaries

    Secrets From My Travel Diaries will transport you back to 1997, when the author, as a college student, ventured from a small Ohio town to study and live in Germany and France, eventually traveling to more than ten countries.

    Her diaries, written on train rides and after late-night adventures at the disco, helped her clarify her thoughts and feelings at a pivotal time in her life.

    Years later, after leaving her corporate career, the author rediscovered these dust-laden diaries. They reconnected her to a time of unprecedented freedom when navigating your way required paper maps, constant currency conversions, and finding truth within herself.

    Secrets From My Travel Diaries will take you on a journey to reawaken your Adventurer within, shift your perspective, and inspire possibility in your own life.

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